The Fall/Winter 2022 Issue features work from 82 contributors from around the globe.
Cover Artist
Buffy Davis sees life through the lens of her camera. Davis explores the alternative photography processes from the historic process of cyanotype from 1842 where the developed photograph turns a cyan blue, intentional camera movement photography, where the image looks like an abstract painting, glitch/deconstructing photography, and using interesting color hues to give her photography an other worldly look. Davis is drawn to landscapes and botanicals from her travels focusing on the contrast and imperfections that she views. Davis resides in the San Francisco East Bay with her husband and two dog children.
Featured Artist
Amy Aiken works as a Research Economist and is a self-taught photographer. She especially loves finding beauty in ordinary places that often go unnoticed. The complexity and connectedness of life delights her, and her art is an attempt to explore and communicate some of that wonder. She was born and raised in Texas and now lives in South Carolina with her husband and daughter.
Featured Poet
Sienna Taggart graduated with a BA in Creative Writing and English with the desire to dedicate her life to working with the written word. Her writing centers on the observations of nature and has appeared in Dundee University Review of the Arts (DURA), The Ekphrastic Review, Blue Bottle Journal, and Humana Obscura. Taggart lives in the hot desert that is El Paso, Texas, with her family and animals.

"Reverie" by Amy Aiken

"Vitality" by Amy Aiken

"A Tree in the Cold" by Bonnie Matthews Brock

"Young's Point Morning" by Bryan Stewart

"Calm" by Buffy Davis

"Above the Anthropocene" by Danielle Petti

"Whakaraupo (IX)" by Darnia Hobson

"Please Hatch" by David Goodrum

"Fire and Water" by David Mosher

"Vita's Magnolia" by Elizabeth Barlow

"The Shores" by Haris Malekos

"Shadow Work" by Jasmin Javon

"Intangible" by Jasmin Javon

"Winter Night in the Forest" by Jean Ayotte

"Feather Dance" by Jess Cherofsky

"Winter Prairie Sunbathing With Friends" by Jill Boyles

"Autumn Cloudscape" by Joelle Deyo

"Sunset Over Lake Huron" by Katie Mollon

"(De)lightful Opportunity" by Kerstin Voigt

"Fragments" by Kimber DeVaney

"September Stars" by Lexy Alari Harness

"Alta Verse II" by Linda Briskin
"These Earthly Valleys" by Margaret Lloyd

"Winds III" by Maureen Bennett

"Jilin" by Melanie Schoeniger

"Mitaka" by Melanie Schoeniger

"Wayside" by Najib Joe Hakim

"Winter Moon Setting" by Najib Joe Hakim
"Dancing Trees" by Nkem Chukwumerije

"First Snowfall, High Park" by Rick Bogacz

"Mr. Autumn Meets Ms. Spring" by Rose-Marie Keller-Flaig
"Dark Waters" by SJ Hunt

"Memories" by Sara Harley

"Water I" by Susanna Herrmann

"Snow Mountains" by Vian Borchert

"What Was Left of the Sun / flowers" by Tea Gerbeza