JOYCE MEYERS is a former English teacher and lawyer. Her poems have appeared in Atlanta Review, The Comstock Review, Slant, Iodine Poetry Journal, Evening Street Review, Glimpse, Xanadu, and Caesura, among others. In 2014 she won the Atlanta Review International Poetry Competition, and was nominated for a Pushcart Prize. Her collections include The Way Back (Kelsay Books 2017), Shapes of Love (Finishing Line Press, 2010) and Wild Mushrooms (Plan B Press, 2007).


I hear the light singing

before the sun’s rim

edges over the ridge.

Pale clouds turn

pinkly resplendent.

This the sparrows know,

start their serenade

even before the stars blink out.

Unfazed by darkness, they nest

and breed, visit our feeder

while we sip our coffee,

watch the trees leaf out.