W. Luther Jett is a native of Montgomery County, Maryland, and a retired special educator. He survived the pandemic by getting outside and going for long walks in wild places. His poetry has been published in numerous journals as well as several anthologies. He is the author of five poetry chapbooks. A full-length collection, Flying to America, is scheduled for release in the spring of 2024, from Broadstone Press. He can be found on social media as Luther Jett.


The world tilts. We
only imagine we
stand still. Swifts
remain in flight
most of their lives,
even as they sleep.
At dusk, they soar
beyond clouds. No-one
understands why.
If humans were content
to stay in one place,
eventually they would
starve. There are many
ways to starve. One
swift may eat ten thousand
insects in a day. Planets
circle dying stars.
Seasons go and return.
In the evening
we make a wish
and do not know
if it will ever land.